Want to stay Active in the Guild?

Please Go to Protectors Enclave and Go to the Postal Courier and send a letter to joogman#0807

Subject line should read: Guild Activeness, Yes/No.

Body of message should read:



Headset Contest?

We are now Giving away a headset from money being raised from our Guild membership dues/donations monthly. The contest will be won by the most active member in the Guild. You can become more active by adding officers in the Guild or playing with your fellow GuilDies.


Guild Meeting tonight @ 7:30

Eastern Standard Time!!

LIKE us on FaceBook Please!

60-70 Leveling Content


Leave your thoughts, comments, and concerns for the creators and Developers over at Cryptic to make this free-to-play MMORPG possible and even better.


Support my websites!

Guild donations needed by 5/23

Send 3$ payment on PayPal as a Gift. To the E-Mail harvesthearth@yahoo.com. This ishould so the Guild can Grow more and prosper.. To do such things as buy Active Guild member headsets, us paid Web Hosting and a private forum for our Guild.

 We also would like like to design Guild T-Shirts for everyone who pays the Guild donation monthly-fee reoccurring on the 23rd.

Guild T-Shirt Logo:

Prayers everyone

Prayers Go out to our fellow member and Captain LunaCloud, shes in the hospitial right now. Thank you!

NEW Advertisement for our Guild

Meeting NOW!!!

GuilDOfficer List

(Plans Meetings, briefs officers on their duties, events such as raids, designs website, etc).

(Runs Wednesday Meetings at 7:30, helps other members with their duties, runs website, designs logos)

VLad-General In Arms
(Runs Friday Church Meetings at 9:30 helps other members with their duties, recruits daily, updates GuilD information, answers any and all questions for GuilDies).

(To play with the GuilDies, and lastly Recruit, Recruit, and Recruit some more!!)

Guild DunGeon #2



Guild Logo Design

Thoughts, comments, and concerns are welcome below!

Guild Meeting Tonight @ 9:30PM Eastern Standard Time

Subscribe to me on YouTube Please!

Guild Dungeon

DunGeon Commentary #1

DraGon Re6orn GaminG Archive

This RAR file is full of a few useful programs to critique whatever kind of computer you have into a fine-tune Gaming-Machine. Programs to adjust graphic features for Gaming, fan speed for when Gaming, defragmenting your system to keep a clean machine, and more!

